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Revelation 12-14
Compare with other birth stories and wilderness stories in the Bible. (Genesis 21, 1 Kings 17, Luke 2, Exodus 16)
How can empires be like beasts?
Revelation 7-11
What gives you hope in chapter 7?
Compare the seven trumpets with the ten plagues of Exodus 7-12.
Revelation 4-6
What is surprising about the description of the Lion of Judah in 5:5-6? What qualities do you associate with lions and lambs?
Revelation 1-3
What are some common symbols used to communicate values and ideals in North American politics and culture?
What would Jesus say to the Church at Archbold today?
Revelation 22:1-9
Many of us enjoy spending time on or near the water in the summer. There's something calming about water which seems to ground us and connect us to God's presence. We…
Dinner With Jesus: Peace Around the Table Series
Dinner with Jesus: Peace around the Table." More than any of the other gospels, Luke emphasizes table fellowship. Luke portrays Jesus eating with those considered ‘unclean’ and living at the margins…