LAMP (Logistic Assistance for Migrant Persons) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization connected to CLINIC (Catholic Legal Immigration Network). LAMP helps to provide hope to immigrant working families in Northwest Ohio by providing legal immigration services, social services, and advocating for people’s rights and responsibilities. More information can be found on their Facebook page.

Download the brochure here:
LAMP brochure

Missions in Service Team (MiST)

Though a core group of 4-6 of us dedicate time and energy on Zion Missions in Service Team (MiST), we
aim to channel the heart of Zion to reaching those in need locally as well as globally.

We have long-standing traditions supporting our local FISH Food Pantry, Christmas Cheer, Sunshine,
Adriel, Project Hope, Martin Luther King Kitchen for the Poor Center (Toledo), Mennonite Central
Committee, Mennonite Disaster Service, Peace Studies (France), Meserete Kristos College (Ethiopia).

Lately, we have begun bringing together people from our community of opposing views with the intent
to LISTEN to – not convert – and to practice treating each other with dignity and respect. Feel free to
contact one of us if you’re interested in participating in a small group for this! We feel strongly our
society needs this during these times so riddled with division.

Also, we’re at the beginning stage of sponsoring immigrants to come to our area, to support a few of
them in their difficult journey.

We are keen to promote Creation Care and encourage members to step up and join us as they can in
palpable ways.

This is a broad sweep. Thanks for taking time to learn about our small corner in Zion!

Community Outreach Opportunities

Part of who we are at Zion involves being involved in the community around us. We encourage our members to volunteer at local ministries as well as those that are part of Mennonite Church USA. If you are interested in more details about the following outreach opportunities, please email the church office at